My Journey

7 car accidents.
Yep, you heard right. Seven of them. Not ALL my fault, but most. In 15 years, my body had whiplash 7 times. Chiropractic and massage had helped where doctors could not, but I still had chronic, nagging pain and headaches that kept me from doing the things I loved. After over a decade of giving others relief through massage therapy, I hit a wall. I could no longer push my way through people's tissue. It HURT.

I realized that I was only going to have this one body for the rest of my life and I wanted to be able to USE it. I invested in the healing hands of Craniosacral Practitioners and let healing take place in the root of my issues. Massage and chiropractic gave me some relief, but my tension and headaches always returned. It wasn't until my body was given the opportunity to release that tension in my nervous system that I had true freedom.

In the course of my journey, I have complimented receiving bodywork with the self practice of breath, aromatherapy, and journaling. By partnering with my caretakers, I took ownership of my wellness. I am so humbled to be able to share my experience with YOU.

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